Why Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a comprehensive medical system that has been around since it was founded some 200 years ago by Dr Samuel Hahnemann. It is extensively used throughout the world and is particularly successful in India where many doctors are also qualified homeopaths. Homeopathy is complementary to medical science as a natural way to help improve the immune system and promote health.
Homeopathy does not treat the symptoms of a disease. It regards the symptoms as expressions of the underlying illness. It not only takes into account physical symptoms but also emotional and mental expressions and so prescribes for the whole person, not just the symptoms per se. The remedies are potentised forms of natural substances and there are no known side-effects. They gives the body a specific stimulus which activates its own ability to heal itself.
Sometimes there are multiple layers that need treating, e.g. emotional, physical, chemical and inherited susceptibilities. The indicated homeopathic remedy can help to restore balance and harmony and direct the energy where it needs to go for healing to occur. There can be a marked overall change in a client and feeling of ease after a homeopathic prescription before physical symptoms improve.
In order to find the best remedy or a good match to a person’s symptoms (the “similimum”), a homeopath has to take a comprehensive history and gain a deep understanding the person’s personality and constitution. Only then can a positive and lasting result be achieved.
About Leo Hommel
I started my study in homeopathy some 30 years ago after I experienced the powerful effect of homeopathic remedies in myself and my young children at the time. I studied in New Zealand and the Netherlands and learned from some of the top homeopaths in the world like Alize Timmermans, Jan Scholten and Misha Norland.
I have worked for many years as a special needs teacher, including Hohepa, a Steiner residential school in Hawkes Bay. I also worked as a children’s entertainer and co-founded the Charitable Trust “Care Clowns” to bring clowns to children’s hospitals of which Patch Adams was the patron.
I am now qualified as an Awareness mentor, using EAP (Enhances Awareness Program). I love offering my various skills and experience to assist adults and children alike to be as healthy and happy as possible. It is my passion to make a real difference in people’s lives by empowering them in their own self-healing.
Why come to a homeopath?
You may have a relatively new problem or a chronic issue that is not resolving. Homeopathy can be used for most health conditions and can be used complementary to more conventional treatment. Examples are:
Skin conditions
Digestive problems
Respiratory conditions
Sleep problems
Pregnancy related issues, e.g morning sickness
Emotional issues, e.g. anxiety, depression & grief
Newborns: colic, reflux, milk intolerance, sleep
Childhood diseases
Concussion / trauma
There are different levels to homeopathic treatment:
1. Acute Prescribing
In acute conditions like teething, bruising and fevers, it can be extremely effective and fast acting. I offer workshops to teach people how to use a comprehensive homeopathic kit to help their own family.
2. Constitutional Prescribing
This needs to be done by an experienced homeopath. In chronic conditions like eczema, recurrent headaches and hay fever it takes time for improvement to take place and follow-ups will be required. These prescriptions do not only treat the symptoms but the whole person.
Constitutional prescribing is unique to homeopathy. It is particularly useful and effective in treating children and young people during their growth and development.
Homeopathy also treats emotional and mental issues like anxiety, lack of confidence and depression. It can help break patterns of thoughts and feelings and indicated remedies can help the client to understand their issues (limitations and belief systems) and empower them to become more of who they truly are. This is the potentially transformative side of the homeopathic interview and prescription.
As an extension of looking at the emotional/mental picture and to empower people to make the changes they want in their lives, I also offer awareness mentoring for individuals and groups.
What to expect
Adults: The initial consultation can take up to 1 ½ hour. There will be a thorough case-taking of your the current symptoms, your medical and family history.
Children: The initial consultation takes up to 1 hour. It is important to get to know your child and observe them; however the whole history does not have to be taken when the child is present. Sensitive issues can be discussed by telephone or email.
Combining my experience as a special needs teacher and children’s entertainer with my homeopathic practice, gives me a wide range experience to draw from and ease of working with children. Consultations via online video meetings are also available and can be as effective!
Duration of treatment:
There will be at least two follow-up appointments to evaluate the response to the remedy/remedies.
Treatment is a process, often change happens quickly but sometimes there may need to be further remedies to work through the various layers of dysfunction. A general rule of thumb is that the longer a condition has existed, the longer the treatment will take. It is therefore important to start treating children as soon as possible after problems arise.
Persevering through the process of treatment will give more possibility for deep and long-lasting change which is so worthwhile for ongoing growth and development. I look forward to making a real difference in your or your child’s life for the better!
“Leo is a wonderful listener. He asks very thoughtful questions and always allows lots of time and space for my answers. I feel confident in his choice of remedy as I know I have been truly heard and all my symptoms responded to. As a therapist myself I know how important this is. I have also recommended him to my clients, and all have had very positive outcomes.”
We also offer First Aid courses in Homeopathy.
To find out more, click here or apply for a space in our next course:
“It was the first Homeopathic course I’ve ever taken. I found the course very helpful and practical. It was well structured and presented. I enjoyed Leo’s teaching. His depth of knowledge and good sense of humour made the course very informative and interesting.”